For almost 12 months, Xlent has had the pleasure of attending weekly fitness sessions at the Lights Community Centre. During this time we have seen our participants improve not only their fitness skills, but also their confidence, independence and teamwork.

Shine Bright @ The Lights focuses on providing enhanced health, fitness, and wellbeing opportunities by creating a positive environment for those living with disabilities. This program promotes healthy habits with a focus on engaging and inclusive activities, and empowers people with disability to be the best version of themselves they can be!

Xlent is passionate about facilitating opportunities for people with disability to challenge themselves, where they can try something new in a supportive and inclusive environment, or build on their existing skills. Participants have an opportunity to get moving and be involved in a variety of fun and energetic activities, under the guidance of qualified trainers from Pushing Performance and the team at The Lights.

Programs like Shine Bright @ The Lights are a fantastic way for people with disability to access their community through activities that are tailored to their unique and varying skills and abilities. The wonderful team at The Lights have been incredibly welcoming, and have developed great relationships with our participants over the course of the program.
To find out more, please speak with our friendly team on 08 8165 2023 or get in touch via email to [email protected].
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